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Make your dream comes true with PermataBank non-collateral loan


PermataKTA is a Non-collateral Loan that helps you make all your plans come true by financing cash of up to IDR 300 mio and applying a competitive interest starting from 0.88%. Submission at PermataMobile X, receive your fund in no time! You are not allowed to apply or own more than 1 Personal Loan product (PermataKTA/PermataKasbon/PermataKTA Payroll Executive/PermataKTA iB Multiguna) in the same time.

What Are the Benefits?

Fund that Tailored to Your Needs

Fund that Tailored to Your Needs

Personal loan of up to IDR 300 mio

Easy and Quick Process

Easy and Quick Process

The submissions up to disbursement process are processed online and integrated

Fixed Installments and No Collateral

Fixed Installments and No Collateral

The amount of installment will not change until the end

Flexible Tenor

Flexible Tenor

Comes with various choices of tenor that can be adjusted to your needs.

Competitive Interest

Competitive Interest

The interest calculation applies an effective interest rate system

Fast Disbursement

Fast Disbursement

PermataKTA funds disbursement will be transferred directly to your account

Protected Loans

Protected Loans

Customers are protected with KTA Protection Insurance with the best choice of Insurance Partners with a minimum tenor of 12 months (currently not valid for submissions through PermataMobile X).

What are the Cost and Interest

Interest Rate

Administration Fee

Stamp of Duty Fee

Late Payment Fee

Early Repayment Fee

Starting 0.88% flat per month* or 10.56% flat per year*<br/>Please find the detail in PermataKTA Interest Rate Table<br/><font size="2">*terms and conditions apply</font>

1% up to 4.5% of loan amount or a minimum of IDR 150,000 (whichever is higher)

IDR 10,000

5% of installment per month or a minimum of IDR 150,000 (whichever is higher)

7% of the remaining loan plus interest

What are the Requirements?

Indonesian Citizen

Indonesian Citizen

Have fixed income

Have fixed income

Age 21 – 60 years old

Age 21 – 60 years old

Have a minimum income of IDR 3 mio/month

Have a minimum income of IDR 3 mio/month

Report and Other Information

PermataKTA General Terms and Conditions

Summary of Product and Service Information (RIPLAY) General Version

PermataKTA Interest Rate Full Version

PermataKTA Calculator

PermataKTA loan and installment simulation

Any Question?

We're ready to assist the complaints or any other question you might have

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