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Pre Shipment Financing

Pre-submission financing to the exporter or seller for working capital or shipping


Short term financing to the exporter customers or seller based on LC or Domestic L/C received from buyer or PO or Sales Contract. As a production working capital for shipping.

What are the Benefits?

Regulate Cash Flow

Regulate Cash Flow

Regulate the customer’s current cash flow during service completion or good shipping

Create Opprtunities

Create Opprtunities

Creating new business opportunities with the financing obtained

Improve Business Relation

Improve Business Relation

Strengthening business relationships between customers and counter parties with faster payments from the bank

Ease of Financing

Ease of Financing

Obtain financing with cheaper rate and process

Apa Saja Biaya dan Bunganya?

Biaya Provisi

Biaya Administrasi

Biaya Pihak Ketiga

Biaya Transaksi

Biaya Denda Keterlambatan

Biaya Denda Pembayaran Dipercepat

Berdasarkan persentase dari limit fasilitas

Biaya pengganti atas jasa yang diberikan oleh Bank dalam pengelolaan fasilitas Nasabah

Sesuai ketetapan/tagihan pihak ke-3

Bunga sesuai dengan tingkat kredit dan risiko nasabah

Dihitung secara harian, sejak terjadinya tunggakan pembayaran kewajiban sampai dilunasi

Berdasarkan persentase nilai outstanding yang akan dilunasi, atau sesuai yang diperjanjikan

What are the Requirements?

Facility Documents

Facility Documents

Transaction Form

Transaction Form

Report and Other Information

General version of Product and Service Information Summary (RIPLAY)

Any Question?

We're ready to assist the complaints or any other question you might have

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