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Complaint Handling Procedure

Feb 09, 2024
3 Minutes
Complaint Handling Channels

Customers can submit complaints to PermataBank through the following channels:

  1. Visit PermataBank Branch Offices
  2. Call PermataTel at 1500111 (without any additional numbers or prefixes)
  3. Email: care@permatabank.co.id
  4. Website & Social Media Platforms:
Complaint Handling Time Limit
Type of Complaint Time Limit
Oral 5 working days.
The above time limit also applies to complaints involving Customer misunderstanding in the form of: 
  • Requests for information regarding products and/or services used by Customer and/or PermataBank’s internal provisions regarding products and/or services provided by PermataBank;
  • Customer complaint procedures;
  • Other relevant product/service information.

10 working days from the complete receipt of supporting documents. It may be extended up to 10 working days under specific circumstances:

  • The PermataBank office that handles complaints is different from the PermataBank office where the reported issues occurred, and there are communication challenges between the two PermataBank offices;
  • Customer complaints require specific investigation regarding PermataBank documents;
  • There are other factors beyond PermataBank's control.

PermataBank may handle complaints beyond the mentioned timeframe if:

  • Resolution requires follow-up by another party;
  • Follow-up by another party affects the complaint resolution time limit.
Supporting Documents

In the event that PermataBank requires supporting documents for a verbal complaint, Customers must submit written complaints with the necessary documents.

PermataBank will handle complaints in writing in the event that the Customer has completed documents, including:

  1. Identification of the Customer, which at least contains;
    • Full name of the Customer and/or the proxy;
    • Address of residence in accordance with the identification documents of the Customer and/or the proxy and other residential address (if any); and
    • Active phone number of the Customer and/or the proxy.
  2. Transaction details, including date, place, transaction evidence, card number, and account number.
  3. Chronology of the reported issue.
  4. Documents directly related to the complaint.
  5. Special-stamp power of attorney if the Customer authorizes a representative.
Rejection of Complaints

PermataBank reserves the right to reject Customer complaints if:

  1. Customer fails to submit required documents within the specified time limit.
  2. The complaint has been previously resolved by PermataBank. Resolved complaints consist of:
    • Complaints that reach an agreement; or
    • Complaints that did not reach an agreement.
  3. Complaint is unrelated to significant financial loss or potential loss, as per product/service agreements.
  4. Complaint is unrelated to PermataBank issued products/services.
  5. Complaint is in process or resolved by a civil court.

Customers may escalate complaints to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution (LAPS SJK) following the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 61/POJK.07/2020 on Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions in the Financial Services Sector (LAPS SJK) with the following conditions:

  1. Complaints have undergone resolution efforts by PermataBank but were rejected by the Customer, or the Customer has not received a response to the complaint;  
  2. The dispute filed is not currently in process or has been decided by a judicial institution, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution institution; and 
  3. The dispute is of a civil nature.

In addition to the above conditions, LAPS SJK can handle other disputes with the approval of OJK.

LAPS SJK must, at a minimum, provide Mediation and Arbitration services, and is obligated to adhere to the principles of independence, fairness, effectiveness, efficiency, and easy accessibility.

LAPS SJK Contact Information:

PermataMobile X


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