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PermataBank Inaugurates 100 “Saving Ambassadors”

Oct 23, 2022
3 Minutes

PermataBank Inaugurates 100 “Saving Ambassadors” Students to Spread Awareness about Financial Literacy

Since 2015, PermataBank has inaugurated 500 SD and SDLB students as “Saving Ambassadors” through the PermataBankir Cilik program to motivate young children to be financially and saving savvy.

Most of the modules taught are prepared by PermataBank’s expert team, with additional resources from OJK.


PermataBankir Cilik


JAKARTA – Today, PermataBank introduced 100 students as “Saving Ambassadors” as part of the annual and ongoing PermataBankir Cilik program, which is now in its sixth year. PermataBankir Cilik is a three-month financial literacy instruction program for elementary school (SD) and special elementary school (SDLB) children in Jakarta, Tangerang, and Bandung. The young participants were dubbed “Saving Ambassadors” at the end of the program. After participating in the PermataBankir Cilik program, they are expected to be able to share the inspiration for saving and managing finances that they have learned with their peers and their surroundings.

This time, PermataBank has appointed 100 "Saving Ambassadors'' from 10 SDs and 10 SLBs in Jakarta, Tangerang, and Bandung. PermataBankir Cilik is a manifestation of PermataBank's participation and dedication to assisting the government in improving financial literacy in Indonesia, which Survei Nasional Literasi Keuangan (SNLIK) OJK tahun 2019 lalu mencapai 38,03%.

"We applaud PermataBank's efforts, through PermataBankir Cilik, to spread financial literacy information and save habits at a young age. Setting aside money for savings is one of the fundamental concepts of financial management that children can carry into adulthood. Of course, we hope they will continue this practice and encourage their peers to do the same," said Sarjito, the Financial Services Authority's Deputy Commissioner for Consumer Education and Protection (OJK).

The PermataBankir Cilik program offers learning materials with intriguing and interactive modules for three months, from October to December 2020. Starting with saving guide classes, participants progressed to creating 30-day financial journals, money management simulations, and virtual tours of the Bank Indonesia Museum (BI) and PermataBank branch offices in Jakarta. Most of the modules taught are prepared by PermataBank’s expert team, with additional resources from OJK. Participants also joined workshops on writing short stories and storytelling with the theme of saving. PermataBankir Cilik’s implementation this year differs from prior years in that all activities are conducted online.

Dhien Tjahajani, Direktur Hukum dan Kepatuhan PermataBank said, "I am delighted to be able to carry out the annual PermataBankir Cilik activity even if I cannot meet in person. I want to congratulate PermataBank Cilik’s young participants, who were dubbed Savings Ambassadors today after participating in the program for the past three months. We hope the PermataBankir Cilik 2020 program will help build the character of disciplined and responsible Indonesian children. We encourage the Savings Ambassadors to continue this excellent practice and inspire those around them."

Bermitra dengan Pibo dalam pelaksanaan programPartnering with Pibo in Program Implementation

PermataHati collaborated with Pibo, a digital children’s library platform, to create the PermataBankir Cilik digital literacy module 2020. Participants in PermataBankir Cilik took part digitally in various modules, including the PermataHati Financial Module (MODAL), which is now available to all Indonesian children via the Pibo platform.

Aisha Habir, Co-Founder of Pibo, also showed her support, saying, "We are very thankful to have been entrusted by PermataBank to assist the PermataBankir Cilik program for the second year. Nowadays, technology is like a child’s best friend. We use this to assist spread the beneficial influence of PermataBankir Cilik beyond the target schools and into the larger community. We hope that by utilizing the many types of PermataHati MODAL accessible on the Pibo platform, kids will be able to master financial literacy more easily."

Since 2015, PermataBank Cilik has introduced more than 500 Saving Ambassadors. PermataBankir Cilik 2020 is a PermataHati program that involves employees as volunteers—Employee Volunteers (EVO). Volunteers oversaw the event’s success, from the pre-selection process to developing financial journals, workshops, and the graduation of PermataBankir Cilik participants.


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