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Becoming a YouTuber? This is How to Create a Viral YouTube Content

Apr 26, 2021
4 Minutes

YouTuber has become one of the most popular professions. It’s easy to see why. Several notable YouTubers with millions of subscribers have successfully received revenue up to hundreds of millions of rupiah per month. Are you interested in becoming a YouTuber? You definitely can! Just follow these steps on how to make YouTube content that can attract thousands of viewers. 

Audience is King
Before jumping to creating YouTube content, the first thing you need to do is finding out your target audience. If you have uploaded a YouTube video on your channel, then you can see the analytics from YouTube that consists of data about your viewers, from gender, age, to country of origin. 

You can also see the comments left by the viewers about what kinds of content that they want to watch. If you are at the start of becoming a YouTuber, let’s set your channel theme first. Do you want to be a beauty or gaming vlogger? Whichever it is, analyze your target audience based on your chosen theme. 

Interesting and Helpful Video Concept
After finding out your YouTube channel theme, it’s time to make a good quality YouTube video! Let’s start by doing video trend research. This video trend must be in line with your channel theme. For example, look for trends on beauty products if you are a beauty vlogger. 

Afterward, you need to make a storyboard so everything will run smoothly during the video shoot. Make sure that the flow is right, from the introduction, explanation, to closing. One more thing, make a video that can be helpful for viewers so they will be more interested to share the video. For example, videos that cover tips, motivations from experts, product reviews, and tutorials. 

Use Title and Thumbnail That Piques Curiosity
You must have heard the term clickbait. Clickbait is actually necessary in video making, but it must be used carefully. If the title doesn’t coincide with the video content, the viewers will be disappointed and dislike your video. 

First, find trending keywords that will be inserted in the title and video description. Use Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends to help you. Then, make sure that the video title is not too long. You are free to use caps lock if you want a more rousing title. 

Use Hashtag for Trending Video
A hashtag is not only used in social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, but is also a key item to increase video views on YouTube. Many people like to ignore this step in creating YouTube content, even though a video with the right hashtag will have a greater opportunity to top the search results on YouTube.

It’s easy; you can enter up to 40 hashtags at once in the lowest part of the video description. Use keywords that you’ve searched before that have high search volumes. 

Embed a Link to The Previous Video in Your Current Video
This step only applies to those who have already uploaded YouTube videos before. Take this as a way to promote the old videos that you’ve uploaded. You can embed the previous video link to the top right corner of the current video; simply edit the video before uploading it on YouTube. Embed the link during the duration of the video when the topic or content relates to the previous video. You can also embed the link on the video description. Therefore, you can increase the number of your subscribers!

Set up Video Upload Schedule
One thing that you shouldn’t forget, setting up a schedule for uploading videos on YouTube. Not only will this increase the number of viewers, but this step is also needed to prevent exhaustion from shooting and editing video every day. It’s recommended to upload videos on weekdays because usually people spend their time with family during the weekends. 

From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday to Wednesday is the perfect time to upload your video on YouTube. Other than that, many YouTubers also pick 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday and Friday as their schedule. 

Those are the tips on how to make a good YouTube video with plenty of viewers. To do these tips, you need video equipment like a camera, tripod, box light, green screen, microphone, headphone, and a new laptop to support your video shooting and editing. 

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