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Lack of Focus at Work During Fasting? Do These 5 Steps

May 31, 2021
4 Minutes

Working while fasting is quite difficult to maintain because your work focus is often distracted due to hunger and thirst. This generally occurs during the first days of Ramadan because the body is not yet accustomed to the new habits of fasting.

However, it is not impossible to stay focused on work even when fasting for a whole month. You only need a few tips and tricks to improve your focus. What are some of the things you can do to stay focused on work while fasting? Check out the following explanation!

Adjust Sleep Schedule with Suhoor
When fasting, your daily routine will experience significant changes because you have to get up early for suhoor. For those of you who have a habit of sleeping late at night, you should try to sleep early so you can get up early for suhoor and get the nutrition you need to focus on working during the day.

In addition, you also need to refrain from going back to sleep after suhoor. It's hard to fight drowsiness, especially with a full stomach. However, sleeping after dawn is actually not a good thing to do because it can make you wake up late and make you lose your enthusiasm for work. Of course, this will have an impact on your work focus during the day.

Maintain an Adequate Meal Portion
Fasting keeps you hungry and thirsty for a full day and actually makes you eat more, especially when you’re breaking the fast. You will definitely be tempted by a variety of sweet foods and drinks, even fried and junk food.

Unfortunately, these foods are not good for you to overconsume when fasting due to their high sugar content that makes you hungry and thirsty faster. In addition, the sugar rush caused after eating can make you have a sudden burst of energy, but it won't last long and has side effects that make you sick and achy.

Therefore, you need to control the energy source that you consume during the month of Ramadan. Eat foods that contain whole grains, like bread, brown rice, oats, protein, nuts, and vegetables. This kind of menu is healthier and can provide energy during fasting, so you can be more focused on work while holding back hunger for the day.

Stay Fit by Exercising
Even though you are fasting, there is no reason to stop exercising. By exercising, you can increase your metabolism and productivity by up to 50%. Conversely, by not exercising and staying inactive, your body will feel weaker and less energized, which will reduce your focus on work.

You can exercise lightly in the morning after dawn while waiting to start work, or in the afternoon while waiting for the break. By exercising even when fasting, you have improved blood circulation which provides many benefits to the body. One of them is to make the body feel fresh and increase work focus.

Set Work Hours
During fasting, you need to regulate your work hours because as the day goes, the less energy you will have. Your work focus will also deteriorate. Therefore, try to start work as early as possible. If it is possible to work after dawn prayers, do it!

Don't forget to set the order in which your work will be done. Prioritize work that is difficult to do so you can work on it when your energy and focus are at the maximum, such as meetings, work calls, and in-person interactions. For easier work, you can finish it in the afternoon or evening before breaking time.

Eliminate Distractions
To get the best focus while working, you need to eliminate all forms of distraction that exist, such as a smartphone which is often the main distraction for most people. While working, you can mute your smartphone notifications so you won’t get distracted by the sound they make. To increase work focus, you can also turn off notifications from social media and group chats for a while.

If you are one that is easily distracted by noise, maybe you can work early after dawn when other people are sleeping or listen to music through earphones at a fairly loud volume. If you are still having trouble keeping your work focus for a long period of time, you can try the pomodoro method, in which you are allowed to rest for 5 minutes every time you finish a job within 15-30 minutes.

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