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Here is How to Pay Bills Safely While at Home

May 27, 2020
3 Minutes

The ground rule to stay and do activities right at home is not a barrier for you to do transactions, moreover in paying bills. It is crucial for anyone to pay their bills before the due date. However, you also need to make sure that the transaction stays secured.

Evidently, paying bills from home is not an impossible task. Paying your bills right at home #dirumahaja is even more practical and secure. Here are the safety steps for you to pay your bills easily while at home #dirumahaja.

Record All Bills
You need to have a complete record of all the bills that you need to pay monthly, from installments, credit card payments, purchases, and many more. Recording all of your monthly bills may help you to control your spendings. By looking at the amount of the bills that needed to be paid, you become more aware in spending your money for new things that can be an addition to your long list of bills.

Set Your Money Aside
Make sure that you already set aside the exact amount of money to pay your monthly bills, before the due date. Let’s not get carried away with your shopping habits that spend all your income, preventing you from paying the bills right on time. Surely, you will get a fine or penalty fee from the credit provider.

Be on Time
When you fail to pay your bills before the due date, you will be charged an additional fee. Moreover, your credit score will also decrease. This is not good for your financial health. The smart way to prevent this is by setting a reminder on your smartphone or writing down the due date of your bills. With this trick, you will never forget when to pay your bills.

Pay All at Once
From the many bills that you have to pay each month, it is not easy for you to memorize or simply write down all the due dates. Even worse, not all of the due dates fall on the same day. If possible, you can set one date to pay all your bills at once. Make sure that this date is right behind the earliest due dates. So, you do not have to remember each due date on the top of your head.

Use PermataMobile X
Even though you are unable to go outside to pay all your bills, it does not mean that it is enough reason for you not to pay those bills. PermataMobile X is the perfect solution for you to keep paying the bills right on time in a quick and safe process. It is so easy, simply pick the transaction that you wish to do and the payment will be processed in real time.

Download the PermataMobile X application right now to do all your banking needs right at home. Not just to pay your bills, but also to do other transactions, such as top-up, money transfer, opening a new banking account, credit card application, and insurance payment.

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