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5 Very Simple Ways to Manage Your Finance After Getting Married

May 22, 2021
4 Minutes

Many people are aware of the challenges that come with marriage life. It usually triggers conflicts that have fatal consequences, especially if it is about financial management. This should be a concern from the early stage of marriage. Special skills and tricks are needed to be able to handle family finances. Check out the tips below for managing family finances. 

Choose the Person in Control of Family Finances 
When you were still single, your personal finances were in your own control, you have flexibility in managing finances. After starting a family, of course, there are many new adaptations in managing finances. Make an agreement with your partner on who will manage the family finances. Open communication related to financial matters needs to be maintained so that suspicion of the partner does not arise.

Check The Monthly Financial Health of Your Family 
Just like our body, our financial condition also needs a health check. The first step before managing family finances is to check the cash flow. Checking financial health can be done by analyzing the income and outcome. If the outcome is greater than the income, it is necessary to find an alternative solution to the problem. Is it necessary to increase income or save expenses?

Use PermataMobile X mobile banking to monitor the mutation of your transactions. PermataMobile X can provide transaction information of up to the past 12 months. You can also easily compare your monthly cash flow.

Save Money for Emergency Fund
Planning finances is like having financial reserves for unforeseen circumstances. To prepare for emergency conditions, it is better for each partner to prepare an emergency fund. An emergency fund is money that is collected to be used in urgent situations. These funds should be kept separately from other savings funds. At PermataBank, you can create several accounts for different needs.

Make An Agreement for Financial Goals
After getting married, most couples have goals that they want to achieve together. For example, having a house, traveling together, and raising children. Therefore, discussing financial goals is important to realize these dreams so that both parties know where the direction of family financial management will be.

Realize Dreams through Investment 
If you have agreed on the financial goals that you want to achieve, the next step is to determine the appropriate investment instrument. There are various investment products to choose from PermataMobile X according to their respective goals and risk profiles. Through this mobile banking application, you can make various sales transactions and purchases via smartphone.

Register for PermataMobile X mobile banking simply by downloading the application on the Apps Store or PlayStore then follow the procedure given. With this convenience, you don't have to go to and queue at the bank. Quite easy and simple, right?

You don't need to worry about the security of using mobile banking. PermataMobile X has been equipped with sophisticated security features. You can log in easily and faster by using facial recognition technology or fingerprint scanning. So, no one can log into your mobile banking application but you. 

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